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IH White-Ridge Portable

IH WhiteRidge

The NUWEIGH® Portable WhiteRidge weighbridge can be installed on existing hardstand with no civil works required and for sites with no existing infrastructure NUWEIGH® also have a certified simple apron slab design. This weighbridge is a complete package with full steel ramps and abutments purpose designed for portable weighbridge systems. NUWEIGH® have a unique steel foundation system to eliminate the requirement for civil construction of weighbridge foundations. We never compromise on quality. NUWEIGH® only use high-quality components in the WhiteRidge weighbridges and junction points are housed in high-grade stainless-steel housings. Special shielded load cell cabling is supplied with all installations. Our NUWEIGH® load cells come with a Life-Time Warranty and offer the very latest load cell technology available. Relocation of the weighbridge is an easy task making your weighbridge investment extremely valuable by being able to move the complete asset.


Since 1976, NWS NUWEIGH specialise in the manufacture, service and maintenance of weighbridges. We provide custom, quality solutions for your weighing needs.

  • NMI Trade Approved.
  • Full Steel Construction.
  • Lengths to 60m and capacities to 500 tonnes.
  • 3 coat polyurethane world recognised paint system.
  • Strategically placed structural UB beams.
  • Stainless steel Hermetically sealed & alloy load cells.
  • Load Cells with 10Kv built in surge protection
  • Over engineered load cell mounting system
  • Life-time warranty on load cells.
  • Solar powered solutions
  • Certified to AU standards
  • No Bumper stops which means less maintenance.
  • Certified Engineering Drawings.
  • Installation on surfaces that are not level
  • Multi-deck solutions for separate axle group weights
  • Automatic unmanned systems
  • Weighbridge Management Software by NUWEIGH

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Ultimate Portable Experience

The ultimate portable weighbridge with structural integrity second to none, and backed by a company with over 300 years of combined weighbridge experience. The WhiteRidge weighbridge has benefits not found on any other weighbridge from our “MOTLEK” 4 stage ramp system and Life-Time Warranty on all load cells our weighbridges can be installed with minimal civil site works. The ramps, abutments, foundation system including the weighbridge structure have been designed and engineered by NUWEIGH to AU standards to last the life of the weighbridge.

Purposed Designed Steel Foundation System 

Our weighbridge features a unique foundation system that allows the weighbridge to be installed on surfaces that are not level whilst still maintaining Legal for Trade Use and NMI Verification. 

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How can I contact NUWEIGH customer support?
Does NUWEIGH offer installation services?
What is NUWEIGH’s warranty policy?
Does NUWEIGH offer calibration or repair services?
Can I customise my order?
Can NUWEIGH supply ‘Legal for Trade Verifications’?
Does NUWEIGH service and calibrate ANY brand of scale?